Saturday, September 1, 2012

Meet & Greet!

Monday was our Meet & Greet! I had been waiting for this day all summer! I only met the kids less than a few minutes each and I love them already! Last year we had a BBQ for the families. Sounds like fun except for the fact that on that day it was 90 something degrees! So yeah, not as fun as it sounds.

This year, it was decided to have it inside. Much better choice! The kids got to meet their new teachers and left with a delicious Popsicle, and us teachers got to stay in a cool place. I think I may have gone on overload with everything I had going this day but I wanted to give those parents as much as I possibly could to help their child.

I gave them this brochure this year which contained some general information about my classroom, behavior management, homework and more. I really think this helped them get an overall glimpse of my classroom. I will definitely  do this again.


My husband will tell you that I have been working countless hours to make my room as presentable as possible. It has turned out pretty nice!

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